
Faucets and Fixtures:

Faucet installation will vary depending on the make and model of the faucet fixture you have selected. For best results follow the instructions provided with your faucet fixture or contact a plumber.

The installation instructions below are generic and may not necessarily apply to your specific faucet fixture.

  • Shut off hot and cold water supplies and remove existing faucet.
  • Place faucet in position on the sink. From under the sink thread mounting nuts onto the faucet tailpiece by hand.
  • Place tailpiece nut and rubber gasket on the water supply lines. Thread it onto the faucet tailpiece and tighten tailpiece nuts with a wrench.
  • Connect water supply lines to shut-off valves.
  • Thread mounting nut and bottom gasket onto drain body, wrap top threaded end of drain body with Teflon tape.